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 Karakura Town

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Vector I
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Vector I

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Join date : 2009-05-27
Location : Wanderer

Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 6:02

The bustling city filled with commerce, a lively city. Everything seemed to be fine, from the market area to the parks, everyone filled with glee. The High school students however, lay bored and having a dull time stuck in school. Even the teachers seemed to slowly start slowing down. The commerce slowly decayed into a very hushed tone, and the people went from breakneck to mid speed. However, the town still remained alive. The final bell chimed and the kids stormed out, however, they slowly fell in speed. An ominous glow in the sky, which had the shape of a tall man, but with such a muscle mass seemed a monster. Bright, piercing green hair, tanned skin, an emblem on his chest, Martial Arts pants and a purple aura. He was not noticed due to how high he was above the sky, His beaming eyes glowed as he remained still and didn't move an inch. Suddenly, his head jerked downwards as he blinked, losing his glowing eyes and them returning to a normal state, with dark blood red hues. The man descended at a speed that was fast enough to move faster then sound. He landed on top of the high school as everything seemed the same, but suddenly, it began cracking. A huge crater formed from his feet as he float where the roof once stood. The man then flew up slowly and stood onto a pole with one foot, crossing his arms and crossing his legs. People began dropping as Ambulances sped by, picking up the fallen. The man then held his hand over his chest, right over his heart as he then closed his eyes, the wind passing his hair.
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 6:25

As Ichigo walked around his school trying to help the fallen students who seemed to be falling to the ground for no apparent reason at all, Ichigo was worried for he seem to be the only one unaffected at the time. Suddenly Ichigo sensed a presence on the roof of the school, he quickly pulled a pendant from his belt and pressed it agents his chest releasing his soul from his body so he could enter his soul reaper form. Ichigo ran down the halls wearing a black kimono and a white belt, on his back was a large sword with bandages acting as the scabbard. Ichigo ran up the stairs with great haste as finally made it to the roof as he kicked in the door. When he did he saw a very large man standing and a light purple aura covering him slightly, Ichigo then yelled to him trying to get an answer out of him.

"You..Who in the hell are you!?"
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 6:32

The man stood for a minute as he let the breeze pass. He then turned his head after the gust had passed, His eyes shot open. Instantly, he vanished as he appeared before the young boy moments later. Vector showed no emotion as his purple aura grew a bit more as he then closed his eyes. His size was tremendous, as he was before the boy. His height made him have to look down to the boy.

"Hmph...Such an odd place. People of my time had enough decency to introduce themselves..Then again, you seem just an immature boy..."
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 6:43

"What was that!"

Ichigo with an annoyed expression on his face drew his zanpakuto, the Zangetsu, from his back as the cloth around it quickly unwrapped showing off the large razor sharp blade. Ichigo pointed his sword at the mysterious man holding it with ease even though the blade was so massive, and that showed the the boy was very skilled or at least strong. Ichigo then dashed at the large man moving in for powerful forward thrust aiming for his chest trying to get the first attack in.

Last edited by Ichigo Kurosaki on Wed 27 May - 23:45; edited 1 time in total
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 6:53

The man closed his eyes as he then seemed to smirk. The mans aura dissipated and cut away, as he then looked at the weapon. The man then held his hand out at such a fast pace it was unseen. His skin was not pierced at all, no sign of injury. The man smirked as he then held the blade and threw it to the ground, without disarming the boy. The man then chuckled as he kicked the blade even more down. The man then looked the boy in his eyes as he began to speak.

"Hmph..I am a creation made from dark hands, I am a well crafted warrior, I was once the leader of a supreme army..until the incident. Ever since then, I became a monster, a monster with unbound powers."

The man then tightly made a fist as wind swirled around him as he crouched down and sent a strong palm forward with a wind swirl in his palm. He had a strong and tight stance, enabling a powerful attack.
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 7:04

Ichigo was shocked that his attack was so easily blocked by the monstrous man, his blade was knocked down to the ground within seconds and Ichigo still stunned was quickly palm thrusted in the chest and sent flying. Ichigo crashed into the fence wall leaving it bent, he quickly rose to his feet still with his sword at hand but now his eyes were narrowed showing his new found determination. Ichigo then rose his blade pointing it to the sky as the air in the area became heavy as his spiritual power, he smirked as he quickly slashed his blade downward releasing the energy in the form of a crescent moon at the man with immense speeds.

"Getsuga Tensho!!!"
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 7:20

The man regained a standing stance as saw the boy gather power and utilize it. However to him, it was improper. Such energy could be directed to more better use. The man took a stance which he bent his knees after he slid his foot back, kicking up dust. He was in a strong stance where his balance couldnt be destroyed. He then smirked as he held both hands in front of himself and opened his palms, taking the attack head on. He slowly changed his hand posture to a point as he began to separate the attack. He then slip his hands apart along with the energy wave as he then stood in a normal stance. The man then held his hand over the emblem on his chest. He looked to his hand and then to the boys eyes.

"You must analyze an opponent before taking them head on. You lack training..And tell me boy..is your life force...decaying? Or is it your will that is driving you right now?"

The man then breathed in, and then out, he then rose his foot high as he brought it down with a tremendous force. He then shifted his foot as the large crack that was heading to the boy as it split around him, separating the boy from the building. He then slid his foot back as he then crouched and leaped into the air, however, not falling as he used his flight ability.
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 7:49

Ichigo saw the tremendous power demonstrated by the man as he destroyed the roof of the school with no effort, Ichigo jumped before the floor crumbled from under his feet, Ichigo then released spirit particles under his feet to create an in visible platform giving him the appearance of flight as he staired at the man. Ichigo clenched his sword but felt weird like his energy was being taken from him without his knowledge.

"H..huh..Whats this feeling?"
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 8:07

"Hmph..Your life is slowly decaying, so why continue when your inevitable defeat is near? What drives the warriors of this time?"

He then held his hand in front of himself, as his power then surged all over his body. His power grew by the second and people dropped by the second. What was this? Was this a result from this monsters power? The man then descended at high speeds into the remaining roof as he then punched the piece he stood on it, giving it multiple cracks. He quickly gathered the shards as he then looked to the boy, his power pulsing and the wind flowing. Suddenly, air distorted and he once again disappeared. The man flew in the air as he then threw a shard in the air, then doing a 360 kick that caused a large wind, kicking the shard at high forced winds to the brain. The man then appeared under the boy as his back faced the crumbled roof, as he spun once again propelling another sharp shard forward to thew heart. He vanished to his final area and with The final shard, which the man held from behind the boy, was dropped but with his immense speed, punched it forward to the young warriors spine tip without it even falling an inch. Three targets were attacked, The Central nervous system, specifically the spine tip, the heart, and the brain. All were fatal and practically instant death, and with his power sent them at immense speeds that would be near impossible to dodge.
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 8:35

Ichigo watched as the man commenced his attacks with would giving a second for him to respond, he knew that their were three projectiles heading for him with an amazing pace. Ichigo jumped up instantly dodging the one that approached him from the front and back, on impact they create a small cloud of smoke but suddenly the third emerged heading up and with almost no time to spare he strikes the shard cutting it in half instantly. Ichigo sighed in relief after he successfully stopped the attack as he looked around for the man who was out of site.

"Where'd he run off to..?"
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 8:56

Nowhere in sight, the battle seemed to be at a pause, but then the dust cloud blew away as he ascended from the ground and rushed the boy. He winded his fist back as he flew through the split shard. He then stopped in front of the boy as he just stay afloat there. His purple aura glowed brightly as the monster gritted his teeth. The next hit could decide it, but the man hesitated.

"Such a weak excuse for a warrior, and you lack skill..Now you have two options young warrior..Run and obtain skills to one day come back and fight me, or remain here and die. Now decide!"

The man then twisted back as he clenched his fist tight, he roared loudly as he sent his fist forward with a strong force towards the face of the young boy. The man had this planned out from the beginning, no way for him to lose. It was judgment time, was he about to take a life or would the warrior flee?
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 9:24

Ichigo quickly responded by using his sword as a shield blocking most of the force but he was still sent flying through the air once again, he was able to stop sliding through the air with his ability of using his spirit particles to make a surface to stand on. Ichigo looked at the man thinking about what he said as he attack him, he wondered if he should get away while he was given the chance but then he looked down and saw the inside of his school and remembered his reason for fighting. Ichigo now showing no signs of hesitation pointed his blade at the man as he slowly placed his left hand on his right forearm.

"Theirs no way I'd run at a time like this!..Bankai!!!"

The moment Ichigo uttered those word he was surrounded by a black energy aura with a crimson outline, the power that was covering Ichigo seemed different from the energy that was felt earlier, this energy felt denser and had a darker presence. The energy started dissipating and it felt as a whole nother person was there. Ichigo's clothing just like his presents had changed as he was now seen wearing a long-sleeved, ankle-length black coat with red lining that is closed at his chest, also his sword was different for it now was a daito with a black blade to it. Ichigo suddenly smirked as he disappeared from the area in the blink of an eye, he was moving at speed that even trained eyes couldn't follow as he emerged in front of the man with the tip of his sword inches from his neck.

"Just to let you know, the names Ichigo Kurosaki.."
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyWed 27 May - 9:36

"Interesting..More power...I am Vector.."

Without uttering another word, Vector flew back down as he placed his hand on his emblem. It showed a hexagon shape with lines coming from each vertex, and the roman numeral "I" there. He covered his emblem as his aura then pulsed as he then held his right hand.

"Come...Fatal Attraction!"

Instantly, an Axe appeared in Vector's right hand as he looked to Ichigo. He was about to fight and have a battle as Vector took his war axe weapon in hand and held it tightly. He slid his foot back as the dust grit under his feet as he crouched and pushed up cracking the area he stood on. He flew up to Ichigo as he then held his weapon back as he then sliced the air a bit, sending air waves with force to slice through bone. Vector then followed with his air cutters and sent more slashes with the actual weapon.

"My Buso Renkin...Fatal Attraction, shall end this."
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyThu 28 May - 0:09

Ichigo smirked as the man seemed to be getting serous now that hes showing the weapon that was used so late in the battle. Ichigo then gripped his blade tightly as Victor began to attack, Ichigo easily dealt with the strong wind by blocking it with his blade and then surged his spiritual power from his feet giving him a speed boost as he headed down to the incoming Victor. Ichigo's sword clashed with the mighty Victor's axe creating sparks on impact, even though Ichigo seemed to be matching him blow for blow he was beginning to be getting pushed back with every strike due to the difference in strength. Ichigo then disappeared using the flash step and reappeared a few feet back from where he was standing moments ago, he seemed to be tired for his breathing was very heavy. Ichigo quickly shook it off being that he was in the middle of battle and he couldn't let something like being tired slow him down as he then moved in one again ready to send a flurry of slashes at his opponent.

"Take this!!"
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyThu 28 May - 4:40


Vector say the attack Ichigo portrayed and the speed, as he smirked. Vector watched as he see the boy, Ichigo, vanish and reappear. He heard the wind movement and Vector held his War Axe behind him. He moved it slightly to avoid Ichigo's flurry of slashes and attacks. Vector then turned around, War Axe still behind him, looked down to Ichigo.

"A Painstaking Warrior.. or are you just one to attack?"

Vector spoke as he then turned around and walked forward a bit. He then looked back to the Warrior as he then nodded his back in forth, dismayed. He looked forward again and saw the sun, getting close to its setting area. Vector then turned and looked at Ichigo as he then just stood there, as it seemed he was bracing himself, his purple aura now near immense and abundant. Suddenly. this immense aura started surging all around the monster making him seem a purple blue, his bright green hair flying up. His power was strong, as it spiraled around him. The effect he's cast since the beginning of his transformation has taken place here today.

"This whole battle..My aura...Has been growing. Im taking your life force from you and your beloved friends. I've been killing without attacking. This is my breathing..."
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Location : Kurakara Town

Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyThu 28 May - 5:12

"I..I knew it.."

Said Ichigo as he felt his life force slipping away from his body, suddenly a purple aura began to cover Ichigo's body as well but unlike Victors it was draining his energy instead of giving him power. Ichigo fell to one knee still standing in mid air but didn't seem all to well, his body was ready to give out and he knew it to. Ichigo slowly stood up clenching his sword as tightly as he could with a very tired expression on his face, he then grab his blade with both hand and ran as he charged his opponent as his black spiritual power began to serge from his blade. Ichigo was giving this final strike the remaining power he had left, he retained the Getsuga Tensho in his blade and when he attacked each strike had the power of Getsuga.
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyThu 28 May - 5:22

"Determination is what you have..Its what drives you.."

Vector took a step back as he then grabbed his War axe tightly as he held it behind him. He took one stab in his left arm, the one infront, as he quickly backed up and started to flicker his Axe around, blocking each attack. As soon as the flurry was over, Vector's aura started becoming out of control, winds rushed, dust kicked up, and life in this area started falling dramatically. Vector then slid back and looked at the attack he took. It pierced barely, due to his super strong and tough skin, but still made a mark. Vector's eyes came a deep purple as his aura started to make a twister around him. Vector started to take a stance as he then looked to Ichigo as he showed he was ready to kill, now gaining a lot of energy.

"I was hoping for more.."
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Ichigo Kurosaki

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Location : Kurakara Town

Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyThu 28 May - 5:48

"You son of a.."

Said Ichigo suddenly passing out as he began plummeting to the ground below in an unconscious state, being that he was so close to Victor the energy drain must have been stronger being that he was closer to the effect. Ichigo's attire then suddenly changed back to his normal kimono and his zangetsu turned back to its shikai state due to his lack of energy.
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Vector I
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Vector I

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Karakura Town Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karakura Town   Karakura Town EmptyThu 28 May - 6:00

As Ichigo fell and plummeted to the ground, it seemed he was about to die. Suddenly, a large sound pierced the air and Ichigo was three feet away from hitting the ground. However, he stopped right before he hit it. Vector stood, grabbing him by his leg and he then flew up. He went around and found a sturdy piece of roof as he then looked around. Vector dropped him onto the piece of the roof as he then listened to the wind pass by. Why did he rescue this boy? Vector knew one day he could rise up to great heights and he wanted to verse him when he reached those heights. He then looked to the sky as he crouched down, and exerted enough power to soar at speeds rivaling jet planes. His Buso Renkin dissipated as his emblem glowed. Vector soared through the sky going nearly three hundred miles per hour and making large sound waves. He then looked back to his battle field as he closed his eyes and smirked

"That was a good enough feeding today..."

Vector then started to surge more power as he excelled at high speeds. He focused carefully as he knew what today marked. The winds blew every, the tide went ballistic. He cast some of the most gentle times to darkness. He knew today marked that he would begin to wage an attack on humanity..and they would return the favor. Vector then descended down to a barren island as he left no trace of him, except for a decimated roof and damaged people.
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Karakura Town Empty
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